Update: With 6 candidates running for 6 board seats, the election outcome is certain. Per the RCPC bylaws, the annual meeting has been canceled and the election canceled.
The Rockridge Community Planning Council (RCPC) will be holding its annual Board of Directors election next month. There are six seats up for election. The “Call for Candidates” closed on March 1, and Candidate Statements will be published in next month’s edition of the Rockridge News.
The election is scheduled for Thursday, April 20 from 7-9pm and Saturday, April 22 from 1-4pm. Rockridge residents are encouraged to come out and vote (see link for neighborhood boundaries).
Before the election, RCPC will hold an online Candidates’ Forum and will post the video on the organization’s website. Additionally,
candidates will submit statements for publication in the Rockridge News in which they discuss three important issues they seek to address as a board member. The April issue of the Rockridge News will include details about election procedures and voting locations.
The RCPC Board has adopted guidelines for candidates to encourage fairness and transparency. Candidates are asked to not seek or promote endorsements by elected officials or outside groups. Campaign materials should clearly state they were not written, produced, or published by RCPC, and should indicate that they come from one or more candidates (with their approval), or identify the author/s by name, with a mailing address and/or website. Finally, if campaign material recommends a “slate” of candidates, all those listed on the slate should have agreed to be included.
The Board expects candidates will avoid making personal attacks or false or misleading statements about themselves or others.
For more information, contact RCPC at election@rockridge.org