The Land Use Committee held its February meeting on February 22, via Zoom, with a quorum of members present.

Rockridge Housing Study

The Committee continued its discussion of the Rockridge Housing Study. Thus far, the Committee has been unable to identify a source for analyzing the feasibility and effect of the additional incentives that have been identified.

The aim of the incentives would be to make constructing new larger housing projects, and particularly affordable housing, more attractive to potential developers. A subcommittee made up of committee members and interested residents was appointed to
pursue avenues for analysis and report back at the upcoming meeting on March 22.

The Future of College Avenue Retail

The Committee continued with its discussion on whether it makes sense to continue College Avenue’s current CN-1 zoning, which is intended to promote an attractive retail area. The Committee is seeking input from current College Avenue businesses, as well as from organizations representing other CN-1 zoned areas in Oakland. Rockridge residents are also encouraged to submit their thoughts via email to, or by regular mail to the RCPC, 4900 Shattuck Ave, P.O. Box 22504, Oakland, 94609.

Current Legislation Affecting Rockridge

The State Legislature is back in session, and the deadline for submitting new pending bills has just passed. While some of the bills are still only “spot bills” whose details have not yet been specified, by the March meeting, the Committee expects to be in a position
to begin discussing which bills might affect Rockridge, especially its housing situation. The results of that discussion will be presented in one or more Rockridge News articles to inform Rockridge residents about possible implications.

If you have comments on any of these items, or suggestions for the Committee, you can email them to